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    Resources Translator Alex grew up in France, but now he lives in Italy.

Alex grew up in France, but now he lives in Italy.

Translation result
Alex creció en Francia, pero ahora vive en Italia. Alex grew up in France, but now he lives in Italy.

alex noun

grow verb

1. pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute.

The team's confidence grew as they won game after game in the tournament. La confianza del equipo creció a medida que ganaban partido tras partido en el torneo.

2. become larger, greater, or bigger.

The company's profits began to grow rapidly after they launched their new marketing campaign. Los beneficios de la empresa comenzaron a crecer rápidamente después de lanzar su nueva campaña publicitaria.

3. increase in size by natural process.

As the seasons changed, the seedlings began to grow into sturdy young plants that would eventually produce their own flowers and seeds. Mientras cambiaban las estaciones, los semilleros comenzaron a crecer en plantas jóvenes y robustas que eventualmente producirían sus propias flores y semillas.

4. cause to grow or develop.

The farmer decided to use organic fertilizers to grow healthier crops and reduce environmental pollution. El agricultor decidió utilizar abonos orgánicos para cultivar cultivos más saludables y reducir la contaminación ambiental.

5. develop and reach maturity.

The seedling will grow into a strong and healthy tree with proper care and nourishment. El semillero crecerá en un árbol fuerte y sano con cuidado y nutrición adecuados.

6. come into existence.

The new technology will grow to revolutionize the way we live and work in the next decade. La nueva tecnología crecerá para revolucionar la forma en que vivimos y trabajamos en el próximo década.

7. cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques.

The farmer decided to grow organic tomatoes in his backyard garden, using compost and mulch to improve soil quality. El agricultor decidió cultivar tomates orgánicos en su jardín de patio posterior, utilizando composto y madera picada para mejorar la calidad del suelo.

8. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes).

As she entered her teenage years, Emma's hair began to grow longer and curlier, revealing a more mature look. Mientras entraba en sus años adolescentes, el cabello de Emma comenzó a crecer más largo y rizado, revelando un aspecto más maduro.

9. grow emotionally or mature.

After going through therapy, she began to grow and develop emotional resilience, allowing her to cope with challenges more effectively. Después de pasar por terapia, comenzó a crecer y desarrollar una resistencia emocional, lo que le permitió abordar desafíos con mayor eficacia.

10. become attached by or as if by the process of growth.

As she spent more time with her new family, Emma began to grow closer to them, feeling a sense of belonging that she had never known before. Mientras pasaba más tiempo con su nueva familia, Emma comenzó a acercarse a ellos, sintiendo un sentido de pertenencia que nunca había conocido antes.


I grow.
You grow.
He/She/It grows.
We grow.
You grow.
They grow.
Complete conjugation.

france noun

1. a republic in western Europe.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic landmarks in France, attracting millions of tourists every year. La Torre Eiffel es uno de los monumentos más icónicos de Francia, atrae millones de turistas cada año.
The French cuisine and wine culture are renowned globally, with many restaurants in France offering exquisite dining experiences. La cultura de la cocina y el vino franceses son famosas a nivel global, con muchos restaurantes en Francia que ofrecen experiencias culinarias exquisitas.

2. French writer of sophisticated novels and short stories (1844-1924).

The literary critic praised Marcel France's masterpiece, "In Search of Lost Time", for its intricate exploration of human memory and experience. El crítico literario elogió la obra maestra de Marcel Proust, 'En busca del tiempo perdido', por su minuciosa exploración de la memoria y la experiencia humanas.
At the book club meeting, the group discussed how Marcel France's use of stream-of-consciousness narration in "Swann's Way" created a sense of intimacy with the reader. En la reunión del club de lectura, el grupo discutió cómo la utilización por parte de Marcel Proust de la narrativa en flujo de conciencia en "El camino de Swann" creó un sentido de intimidad con el lector.

now adverb

1. in the historical present.

The historian wrote about the events that occurred now, exactly as they unfolded in 1066. El historiador escribió sobre los eventos que ocurrieron ahora, exactamente como se desarrollaron en 1066.

2. in these times.

We're living in a digital age now, and it's changing the way we communicate with each other. Vivimos en una era digital ahora, y está cambiando la forma en que nos comunicamos entre nosotros.

3. used to preface a command or reproof or request.

Now, stop procrastinating and get back to work! The professor's stern tone made it clear that she meant business. Ahora, detenga la procrastinación y regrese al trabajo. El tono severo del profesor hizo que fuera claro que ella quería negocios en serio.

4. at the present moment.

**Now** is the perfect time to start planning our vacation, before prices rise. «Ahora es el momento perfecto para empezar a planificar nuestra vacación, antes de que los precios suban.»

5. without delay or hesitation.

We must act now to prevent further damage from the hurricane, so let's evacuate the area immediately. Hay que actuar ahora para evitar más daño del huracán, así que evacuemos el área inmediatamente.

6. (prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity.

Now that the project is complete, we can focus on planning the next one. Ahora que el proyecto está completo, podemos enfocarnos en planificar el siguiente.

7. in the immediate past.

I just finished my homework, and now I'm feeling relieved. Acabo de terminar mi tarea y ahora me siento aliviado.

live verb

1. be an inhabitant of or reside in.

People lived in africa millions of years ago Traducción de 'People lived in africa millions of years ago'
The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted Traducción de 'The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted'
This kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean Traducción de 'This kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean'
Deer are populating the woods Traducción de 'Deer are populating the woods'

2. lead a certain kind of life.

After retiring from her corporate job, she decided to live off the grid and start a sustainable farm in the countryside. Después de jubilarse de su trabajo corporativo, decidió vivir fuera de la red y empezar una granja sostenible en el campo.

3. continue to live and avoid dying.

We went without water and food for 3 days Traducción de 'We went without water and food for 3 days'
These superstitions survive in the backwaters of america Traducción de 'These superstitions survive in the backwaters of america'
The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents Traducción de 'The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents'
How long can a person last without food and water? one crash victim died, the other lived Traducción de 'How long can a person last without food and water? one crash victim died, the other lived'

4. support oneself.

After graduating from college, she decided to live off her savings while she pursued her passion for photography. Después de graduarse de la universidad, decidió vivir con sus ahorros mientras perseguía su pasión por la fotografía.

5. have life, be alive.

After recovering from the illness, she was able to live again and enjoy her daily routine. Después de recuperarse de la enfermedad, ella fue capaz de vivir de nuevo y disfrutar su rutina diaria.

6. have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations.

She lives through her art, pouring her heart and soul into every brushstroke to capture the raw emotion she feels. Ella vive a través de su arte, viendo su corazón y alma en cada pincelada para capturar la emoción cruda que siente.

7. pursue a positive and satisfying existence.

After quitting her unfulfilling job, Sarah decided to live life on her own terms, pursuing her passion for photography and traveling the world. Después de dejar su trabajo insatisfactorio, Sarah decidió vivir la vida según sus propios términos, dedicarse a su pasión por la fotografía y viajar por el mundo.


I live.
You live.
He/She/It lives.
We live.
You live.
They live.
Complete conjugation.

italy noun

1. a republic in southern Europe on the Italian Peninsula.

The tourists spent their summer vacation exploring the ancient ruins and art museums of Italy. Los turistas pasaron sus vacaciones de verano explorando los ruinas antiguas y museos de arte de Italia.
After months of planning, Emma finally booked her flight to Italy for a wine-tasting tour through Tuscany. Después de meses de planeación, Emma finalmente reservó su vuelo a Italia para un tour de degustación de vinos por Toscana.
The Italian government is working closely with European Union officials to address the economic challenges facing Italy in recent years. El gobierno italiano está trabajando estrechamente con los funcionarios de la Unión Europea para abordar los desafíos económicos que enfrenta Italia en los últimos años.